Monday, November 28, 2011 at 12:34 AM with
Hi All!! aku muncul lg nih! mungkin ini Posting terakhirku pada malam ini!! 
Ini nih ciri" cewek yg Kubenci!!
  1. Terlalu Centil
  2. Lebay
  3. Alay
  4. Sok Pinter
  5. Sok Beautyful
  6. Terlalu Narsis
  7. Suka Cari Perhatian Di Depan Orang
  8. Selalu Ingin Di Puji
  9. Yg suka Geng-gengan
  10. Yg suka Musuhin orang Tanpa Sebab!!
Nah cuman segitu cewek yg kubenci! terutama yg Terlalu Centil pingin Muntah tuh ngelihatnya!!

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目を閉じれば, 今も君がそこにいるようで
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all see the same light. {}


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© 2014 - Codes, design and colors by pinktape. Icons by birdhaus. Bullets and mini-icons by 7THD and kawaii-box. Other picts by mrsjblacks, narucapped, shirayukkis.